Sunshine Coast Children's Occupational Therapy

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Today we are talking all things BUBBLES!
Bubbles are an everyday essential within our clinic.
Bubbles have so many therapy benefits and can help a whole range of children. From helping with oral motor skills to providing tactile feedback to just having a fun time!
At Little TheraPeas we often use bubbles to help children understand the concept of fast and slow (“Can you pop all the bubbles fast?” “Can you pop all the bubbles slowly?”). We use them to help teach little peas how to breathe out of their mouths and exhale with force. We use them to teach counting (“How many bubbles can you pop?”). We use them to work on winning/losing (“Who can pop more bubbles?”). We use them to work on gross motor skills (clap to pop them, stomp on them, kick them, etc). We use them to work on fine motor skills (poke them, pinch them, flick them). We use them before ‘food school’ as a warm up activity to help get kids in the ‘just right’ zone. This is just to name a few!
Our challenge for you this week – try using bubbles at home, whether it be with a bubble blower or in a cup to make a ‘bubble volcano’. Let us know how you go and how you and your little pea found it. Think about how you can work your little pea’s strength (perhaps that is gross motor skills) with their weaknesses (e.g. counting) to make a fun game with bubbles.
Rebecca Lockyer
Occupational Therapist, Little TheraPeas

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