Scott and I are so lucky to have such a fantastic team at Little TheraPeas who make every day enjoyable and have genuine care about the Little Peas that walk through our doors.
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Little TheraPeas has a new home! Little TheraPeas signage finally arrived and has been installed just in time for us to open for 2021. Look out for us if you happen to be driving past.
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Sunshine Sign and Sing, providing Key Word Sign resources for children. Books, flashcards, posters, videos, courses and more to help you integrate Key Word Sign into your life. www.sunshinesignandsing.com.au
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Meet the Little TheraPeas Team
Scott and I are so lucky to have such a fantastic team at Little TheraPeas who make every day enjoyable and have genuine care about the Little Peas that walk through our doors.
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Little TheraPeas has a new home!
Little TheraPeas has a new home!
Little TheraPeas signage finally arrived and has been installed just in time for us to open for 2021. Look out for us if you happen to be driving past.
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Sunshine Sign and Sing
Sunshine Sign and Sing, providing Key Word Sign resources for children. Books, flashcards, posters, videos, courses and more to help you integrate Key Word Sign into your life.
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GROUPS! Can you believe our term 4 groups are almost here?Little Ninjas Little Art Class Zumbini Dance Sensory Explorers Social Club We are so excited for all the Little Peas

Proprioception is a sensory system and is commonly known as “body awareness”. It is one of our three ‘hidden senses’ (alongside the Vestibular system and Introception).

Prep Readiness
Join our Prep Readiness Program!
The group is targeted at helping your child be ready for prep by giving them the essential foundation skills needed.

Scissor Skills
Using scissors is now a prerequisite for Prep but it takes time and practice to learn how to cut with scissors. Using scissors is a motor skill that involves use of the small muscles of the hand and (just like all areas of motor development) has typical steps towards mastery.

Meet the Team – Scott
Scott is our wonderful clinic manager and he will often be your first point of contact at Little TheraPeas whether in person, by phone, email or messenger.
Scott is here to help and will always do his utmost to assist you.

At Little TheraPeas we love that the word for Autism in Maori is ‘Takiwatanga’ as we work from the principal that there are no limitations to what each little pea can do, if we give them the right supports and scaffolding it just happens in their own time.

How to make your own Play Dough
No fuss, easy to make soft playdough, which keeps for months.

Caza Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Caloundra
Martial Arts is fantastic to help our Little Peas learn all the skills they too often struggle with from motor skills/coordination to attention/concentration.

School Holidays
The School Holidays are an opportunity to be a little bit more silly and give things a bit of a shake up.

Facemasks for hearing aids
Whilst we in Queensland are yet to have to wear masks it is always good to prepare for what may come and this handy tips sheet on wearing a mask with hearing aids is excellent!

Handwriting is a very important skill to help children with developing their reading and spelling skills, memory, attention/concentration and importantly their fine motor skills. Did you know handwriting activated the brain more than using a keyboard does purely due to the motor skill and cognition required to do it?

Tactile Sensitivity
Do you find your child getting upset when you tickle them or cuddle them or touch their hair? What about when they get a haircut/washed or you try to cut their finger nails?

Bubbles are an everyday essential within our clinic.
Bubbles have so many therapy benefits and can help a whole range of children.

Cognitive Behavioural Model
Did you know that Psychologists can help our Little Peas to understand and better manage anxiety by improving their cognitive challenging skills and emotion regulation skills?

Visual Processing
Like with all our sensory systems, there are a variety of visual processing difficulties that a child can have and it is extremely important to have an assessment to identify which one your child has to identify the most important strategies to help.

Primal Influence
Primal Influence is an awesome business which works with kids on the Autism spectrum (and other diagnosis) to do nature based play and fitness.

Have a little pea that loves all things movement? From running and jumping in the backyard to climbing and swinging at the park. Do they absolutely hate and refuse to sit at the table and refine their fine motor skills?

January PrepPeas
We are now taking expressions of interest for our January PrepPeas group

Auditory Processing
Just like all sensory systems, where are many different types of auditory processing difficulties from a difficult filtering out noises (modulation), difficulties differentiating sounds/noises (discrimination), having a big adverse reaction -fight/flight/fright- to noise (defensive), not hearing various noises (under responsive).

One of the most important aspects of being a therapist is reading. Reading books, reading journal articles, reading blog posts, reading websites and research links and anything else we can get our hands on to help support our knowledge and clinical reasoning. Our work doesn’t stop when you leave the clinic, in fact, that’s where our job really only begins.

Slamwich! by GameWright.
Game of the Month May 2020 – Slamwich! by GameWright.
Slamwich is version of snap where you make sandwiches!

Treasureeeeeeeee! Arghhh me hearties!
Treasure hunts are a perfect way to have your little pea work on all those things they struggle with from handwriting, gross motor skills, persistence despite failure, visual scanning and much much more. Treasure hunts are exciting ways to get your little pea moving and working on all those skills they need a little support on without them even knowing

A Christmas Gift
Receiving this Christmas gift from one of my Little Peas today really made my day. Little TheraPeas philosophy is founded on building strong bonds and relationships with Little Peas and their families.

Are you okay? One question, many answers. One question that could save many lives. One question that holds with it kindness and care for others. So to all our Little Peas, families, friends and colleagues R U OK?

What is a Therapy Assistant?
A Therapy Assistant is someone who is trained and works under the supervision of a qualified therapist and can support your Little Pea to practice the skills they need to learn in therapy and apply these throughout their daily life.

Getting through the Holidays
The final stretch of holidays is always the most difficult. The kids have been home so long that any sense of routine has gone out the window and by now you are racking your brain over what you are going to do to keep your Little Pea entertained! We have some helpful suggestions for you!

Prep 2021
Prep 2021 is only 3 months away… but are you ready? More importantly, is your little pea ready?

Pretend Play
Pretend play is one of the most important ‘occupations’ for Little Peas. It is a way for them to establish, build and solidify their developmental skills including self care skills, social skills, cognition, abstract thought, language, emotion regulation, fine and gross motor skills.